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Miigis - Trailer

Featured • 48s
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Choreographed and directed by Sandra Laronde in collaboration with performers, Miigis is inspired by the formidable odyssey of the Anishinaabe along the water routes from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, moving from salt to fresh water. Along this journey we discover the catalyst for this m...

Tungijuq - Trailer

Tungijuq (What We Eat) is about the relationship between humans, nature, and the reality of hunting in Inuit culture. Kunuk Cohn Productions and Igloolik Isuma Productions present a film by Felix Lajeunesse and Paul Raphael, produced by Stephane Rituit. Starring internationally renowned throat si...


Tungijuq (What We Eat) is about the relationship between humans, nature, and the reality of hunting in Inuit culture. Kunuk Cohn Productions and Igloolik Isuma Productions present a film by Felix Lajeunesse and Paul Raphael, produced by Stephane Rituit. Starring internationally renowned throat si...